Features > 2005 Features > TF105 New Car Launch
Features TF105 New Car Launch
08.01.2005 Toyota goes full steam ahead with the TF105
Panasonic Toyota Racing has today lifted the covers on its 2005 race car, the TF105, in front of 200 attending journalists and guests at the historic Estación de França railway station in Barcelona, Spain.more..
08.01.2005 New technical regulations define the TF105
Panasonic Toyota Racing's TF105 race car has been influenced predominantly by the new technical regulations implemented for the 2005 season. Adapting to these changes has offered the team a new and exciting technical challenge, placing an even greater onus on work carried out in the windtunnel. more..
08.01.2005 Unveiling the new Toyota TF105
First among all Teams, Toyota Debuts their new 2005 F1 Model in an old Barcelona Train Station more..
08.01.2005 An Interview with Keizo Takahashi, Director of Technical Co-ordination: TF105
Ensuring Speed and Reliability in the Face of New Regulations more..



