Features > 2005 Features > The Third Man > toyota-f1.com Interview
Features The Third Man
toyota-f1.com Interview
Ricardo Zonta Talks about his Role as a Team Member
“A team is like a family”
Ricardo Zonta responded to an urgent call to go to Japan to perform a demonstration run during the “Renewal Carnival” event open to the general public at the newly remodeled Fuji International Speedway on April 10. Following is a short interview we were able to conduct with Ricardo during his brief stay in Japan.
R. Zonta Profile  

The Reason behind Panasonic Toyota Racing’s Success this Season

• Panasonic Toyota Racing is having a very good season so far. What has changed in comparison to last year? Please tell us the factors behind the improvement, and the mood among the team.
“Of course, Panasonic Toyota Racing is a young F1 team, and we are still in the process of building the team organization…building the team into a family. That’s something that is very important in F1. This year we have been able to get some fantastic results. We have already had two podium finishes (as of this interview on April 10, 2005). And I fully expect even better results soon. These successes have come from our testing, our development, having a better understanding of F1, and also from our experience.”

• It seems that the team structure has come together well. How are the cars doing? In what ways is the TF105 superior to the car used last season?
“The biggest influence on the car has been the change in regulations. Now an engine must have the endurance to go through two races, and Toyota’s engines have the best reliability in F1 right now. There are also aerodynamic factors. Many teams are struggling with finding a balance between acceleration speed and stability, but the TF105 has proven excellent in both of these areas. I think these are reasons that Panasonic Toyota Racing has been doing so well this season. If you can be strong in these areas, then you can succeed in F1 racing.”

Zonta’s Friday Duties

• I see. It also appears that your Friday sessions have been a great contribution to the team’s success. What are your thoughts about that? Can you tell us the specifics of what happens on a Friday?
“Well, yes, but I can’t take all of the credit here. Like I said, we are like a family. This is my third year with Panasonic Toyota Racing. As a test driver, I am intimately involved in testing and development, so I am busy pretty much every day. And then I drive on Fridays before the race. On Fridays, I perform long runs to test tire stability. My job is to test two different types of tires, checking their performance so we can make the right choice of tires for the race.”

• What do you think of Toyota’s approach to motor sports, and to the F1 series in particular?
“I think that it’s very important for F1 to have a company like Toyota participating. Right now most of the world’s major automakers participate in F1, and now Toyota is as well. We’re at a stage where we’re starting to see some success. I think in the near future Panasonic Toyota Racing will be champion…of course, every automaker is working hard to reach the top. I think it’s important for every manufacturer to be able to demonstrate technology and performance on the F1 stage.

• Lastly, do you have any messages for the Panasonic Racing Team fans and your personal fans?
“I am very happy to have this opportunity to be at the Fuji International Speedway. I look forward to meeting you again at the Japanese GP this fall!”

(Sunday, April 10, 2005 at the Fuji International Speedway)

The Third Man

Zonta's Friday more..