Grand Prix > Grand Prix of Great Britain > Practice
Rd.9 Grand Prix of Great Britain
grand prix
British Grand Prix – Free Practice Round–Up


Timo Glock (Car 12, Chassis TF108-06)
Summary: His day's work was interrupted by a clutch problem at Club early in the afternoon
P1 12th Best Lap Time: 1m 21.102s (+1.527s)
Laps: 22
P2 14th Best Lap Time: 1m 21.472s (+1.483s)
Laps: 18

“That was a difficult afternoon for both cars. The problem with the clutch meant we missed out on most of the second session. In the end the mechanics did a fantastic job to get the car ready again for the last ten minutes and we did another two runs. The car had felt okay this morning, just as it did at the test last week. But we will now be playing catch-up for the rest of the weekend. Still, after the team's results at the last two races, we will push for further success on Sunday. ”

Jarno Trulli (Car 11, Chassis TF108-05)
Summary: Suffered a late rear wing failure and went off into the tyre wall at Stowe
P1 15th Best Lap Time: 1m 21.265s (+1.690s)
Laps: 22
P2 20th Best Lap Time: 1m 22.196s (+2.207s)
Laps: 23

“Things clearly haven't gone well for us today. It's difficult to say what happened, I just lost the rear wing and went off. After that I was taken to the medical centre for a routine check but I am fine and cleared to return to the cockpit tomorrow. This means we have a busy weekend's work ahead but we will push to make up ground. After our recent results the team is really fired up. We can still try to get both cars into the top ten and then aim for points. ”

Dieter Gass – Chief Engineer Race and Test

“This was obviously almost the worst case scenario for us today as we missed most of the second session with both cars. Timo had a clutch problem and the mechanics did a very good job to fix that in time to get the car back out and give him a chance to try the option tyres at the end of the session. With Jarno we had a problem on the rear wing. He was running with a new part so we reverted to the standard spec with Timo and we will continue with that for the rest of the weekend. Prior to that this morning was reasonable apart from the break for the red flag and we went through most of what we had planned. But the afternoon session was the important one and now we have clearly lost a lot of running time. Luckily we were here for the test last week so we have good data to base our decisions on for tomorrow. ”

1 F. Alonso Renault
2 M. Webber Red Bull
3 H. Kovalainen McLaren
4 S. Vettel Toro Rosso
5 L. Hamilton McLaren
6 N. Piquet Renault
7 S, Bourdais Toro Rosso
8 T. Glock Toyota