2016 Training period 3 - Enset Oy SM-Ralli

2016 Training period 4 - Enset Oy SM-Ralli

Toyota GAZOO Racing Rally Challenge Program is well underway in Finland, led by Tommi Mäkinen. Through the program the two young Japanese drivers, Takamoto Katsuta and Hiroki Arai competed in Enset Oy SM-Ralli held on 11 June, 2016.

Training Objectives

To get used to the new car by considering differences in performance between R4 and R5 as this is the first training and rally after they switched the car from R4 (Subaru Impreza) to R5 (Ford Fiesta).
To make more logical and simple pacenotes for faster cars.


  1. 31 May.
    Driving training (Joutsa Rally cross track & sprint stage)
  2. 01 Jun.
    Driving training (Yijalantie/Ahvenuksentie test road)
  3. 02 Jun.
    Driving training (Pykalamaentie/Lapinojantie)
  4. 03 Jun.
    Driving training (Hauhanpohjantie/Vaarajarventie)
  5. 07 Jun.
    Pacenote training (Lankamaa/Palsankyla)
  6. 08 Jun.
    Pacenote training (Myhinpaa/Urria)
  7. 10 Jun.
    Sastamala Rally (Recce)
  8. 11 Jun.
    Sastamala Rally (SS1 - SS9)

31 May - 03 Jun.Driving and pacenote training

First day of training with R5
First day of training with R5

Training started on the track and stage in Joutsa which both drivers knew already from the past training in this program. It started with car demonstration by crew, and between driving instructors gave them feedback based on car data analyzed by the crew. From the second day, more challenging roads were used and each driver drove 400 kilometers in four days. R5 requires different driving style from R4. Both Katsuta and Arai had difficulties in the beginning such as low engine revs and uncertain braking but they learned quickly already on the first day. During pacenote training days, they focused on making simple and logical notes for faster cars.

First day of training with R5
First day of training with R5

Enset Oy SM-Ralli


  1. - SS1 Palojoki (14.26km)
    - SS2 Kukonharja (13.95km)
    - SS3 Räikänmaa (14.76km)
    - SS4 Houhajärvi (14.32km)
    - SS5 Suodenniemi (14.32km)
  2. - SS6 Jätinmaa (14.65km)
    - SS7 Niemenmaa (11.28km)
    - SS8 Vehkakorpi (13.72km)
    - SS9 Tyrväänkylä (8.34km)

The Enset Oy SM-ralli was driven in the Sastamala area in Western Finland. The rally was a new addition into the championship with all new roads being used for the event. This levelled the playing field, as all the drivers had to make new pacenotes for the rally. This benefitted the young and new drivers such as Arai and Katsuta. Even more significant for Arai and Katsuta was the fact that this was their debut rally in the SM1 class and more powerful R5-cars. It was a big step, but the rally showed that they really were ready.

Hiroki Arai amazed the entire Finnish rally scene by setting the fastest time on the 14.26-kilometre-long opening stage of the rally. Arai's fairly slim experience in competitions still did bring out some easy mistakes, such as spins, which cost him some valuable seconds. Despite the small mistakes, Arai continued his good form for six special stages, keeping up with the top runners. To his misfortune however, he was forced to retire from third place overall due to a technical failure. After such a strong start, Arai was understandably disappointed at having to retire but was encouraged for the future. “It was very unlucky to have the machine trouble, but thanks to the team I could achieve quite good result until SS6. There are still lots of things for me to work on, in particular, my pacenotes, and my driving in medium and slow speed corners. If I can improve those points, then I will be more consistent and can fight for more stage wins” said Arai.

Takamoto Katsuta performed in the rally as planned. He started off calmly, keeping in mind the coaches' instructions, and picking up his pace as the competition advanced. Katsuta, who moved into rallying from the formula tracks, got to drive "in his element" on the final special stage of the Enset Oy SM-ralli. SS9 was 8.34 kilometers long and almost half of it was tarmac. Katsuta did not waste this opportunity to use his experience and showed his speed by setting the fastest time on the stage. Katsuta would go on to finish 9th in class and 10th overall. Katsuta commented, “It was my first rally in an R5 car and also the first gravel rally since last autumn, so I started out driving cautiously, checking my pacenotes and getting the feeling for the car. Finally on the last stage, I could put it all together and had a great result by winning the stage.” Jouni Ampuja, chief instructor of the program was pleased with the performance of his protégés, and with good reason.

The Enset Oy SM-ralli was won by Norway's Ole Christian Veiby with a Skoda Fabia R5. Second overall was the many times Finnish champion Juha Salo with Peugeot 208 R5 and finishing third was the Group N winner Teemu Asunmaa with Subaru Impreza WRX Sti R4. The one-day Enset Oy SM-ralli consisted of 9 special stages with the total SS distance of 119.6 kilometers. The total length of the route was 262.58 kilometers, and the rally was run in sunny summer conditions.



Driver's diary

Hiroki Arai
To finish rally and improve pacenotes
What I felt through rally
I felt my pacenote making was not yet good enough and it did affect the result directly. If I could describe crests and jumps more precisely, I could do better in the next rally. I could not find the best car setting for the roads either, so this is also one of my challenges for next time.
What I learned
It was the first rally after we switched the car from R4 to R5. At first I was a bit stunned by the speed it could go, but as I got used to it I started feeling safe and comfortable to drive it. Not only the instructors but also my co-driver, Glenn always give me advises, which helps me improve all the time. Unfortunately we had to retire before SS7 due to an electrical trouble but I was happy that I was third overall until SS6. I'm looking forward to the next rally.
Comments from instructors
Despite the very unfortunate retirement Hiroki did a good performance in this rally. Easy mistakes still happened as it was only the fourth gravel rally in Europe for him. But as he gets more experience we believe he will be able to avoid small mistakes and by that he will get faster times constantly. In the future trainings and rallies we expect him to be able to keep his concentration level high during the long recce days.
Takamoto Katsuta
To complete the rally to get experience as it is my first rally with R5
To improve my pacenote skills with accuracy
What I felt through rally
This rally contained many wide stages with fairly high speed and lots of flat out corners. Under these conditions driving line was very important and I could benefit from my circuit race experience. Also as the last stage included about a half tarmac stage, I could enjoy driving very much.
What I learned
I'm glad I could complete the rally and achieve my goal. I have done visualization training for pacenote making in the last three months, so I was glad that I could make better notes this time with precise distance and corner angles. However, R5 requires different corner angles and higher cornering speed than R4, so there are still a lot I should review and improve for the next rally. I'm making my current pacenote with quite a bit of safety margins, so as I get more experience I want to switch it to more aggressive one in the future.
Comments from instructors
Taka seemed to have pressures in the beginning as he got a new car and the rally included challenging stages where the good pacenotes were very important, but stage by stage he got better feeling with the car and pacenotes and his stage times got closer to the top drivers'. We are impressed that he was able to set the fastest time in SS9 on his second gravel rally that he finished in Europe. It showed that he had a great potential for the future.

After the first four days of testing we were happy how both drivers adapted to the new cars. Difficulties they encountered were solved much more quickly than we expected. On the other hand their experience of R5 is still very limited and they have lots of work ahead. We concentrate on smaller things and we expect that the drivers also focus on small details which will lead to big differences in the end. Both drivers were well motivated about this new challenge. After the first test session it was nice to see that both Hiroki and Taka were really ready to take this next step of the program.

Upcoming event is "auto24 Rally Estonia" on 15-17 July - the 6th round of the FIA European Rally Championship, ERC.