Features > 2005 Features > Ralf in Japn
Features Ralf in Japn
On February 24, 2005, just days before the start of the first race of the 2005 F1 season, new Panasonic Toyota Racing race driver, Ralf Schumacher, arrived in Japan. Ralf came to Japan to take part in meetings announcing Toyota’s motorsport activities for the upcoming season, and to communicate his enthusiasm about this season to his and Toyota’s many fans. Ralf also was scheduled to perform a demonstration drive at the newly reconstructed Fuji International Speedway, which will open officially in April. Read further for a report on every aspect Ralf’s visit—his first to Japan since last year’s Japanese GP.
25 - 28.02.2005 An Inside Look at Ralf’s Trip to Japan
Arriving in Japan on February 24, Ralf spend the next three days in a whirlwind of promotional activities. Read an insider’s report on Ralf’s visit to Japan. more..
28.02.2005 Ralf Drives the Fuji International Speedway!
Ralf raced the TF104B around the newly reconstructed Fuji International Speedway, scheduled to re-open April 10.

1. Demonstration Drive: Ralf’s Visit to Fuji Speedway more..
2. Q&A with Ralf Schumacher more..
3. History of Fuji International Speedway more..
25.02.2005 toyota-f1.com Interview
Interview with Yoshiaki Kinoshita: What is Toyota’s F1 Identity? more ..
Keizo Takahashi Discusses the F1 “Ripple Effect” and “Victory Equation” more ..