Features > 2005 Features > Ralf in Japn > An Inside Look at Ralf's Trip to Japan
Features Ralf in Japn
An Inside Look at Ralf's Trip to Japan
25 - 28.02.2005
Ralf was the center of attention, gathering huge crowds as he attended events in Japan on February 25, 27 and 28.

I felt a renewed sense that Toyota is the F1 team of Japan when I saw and heard the drivers and team members at special events in Tokyo, just days before the first race of the season in Australia. The Toyota team had been testing a new aerodynamic package in Barcelona, Spain, getting ready for the Australian Grand Prix. Ralf, who had just joined the team, helped with the testing to get a feel for the latest version of the car and its aerodynamics.

Most of the teams based in Europe head straight to Australia for the opening race as soon as final testing is completed. But it's a different story for Toyota. Or maybe it would be better to say it's a different story for Ralf. The 29-year-old German driver made his first appearance in Japan as a member of the Toyota team, eagerly telling the crowds, "I want to start off the season well, winning points right from the first."

Friday, February 25
Exactly one week before the official start of the first race of the season, Ralf exited the jetliner at Narita International Airport, and headed directly to his hotel in Tokyo. Once at the hotel, he got his luggage settled, took a quick shower, and left immediately for a scheduled promotion activity. On this particular day, Toyota Motor Corporation was announcing its 2005 motorsport plans in a formal press conference.

After a brief introduction by Tetsuo Hattori, Toyota Senior Managing Director, TMG Chairman Tsutomu Tomita took the podium, saying, “We are in no way satisfied with the results of last season, which was our third of F1 racing.” Chairman Tomita also made it clear that the team had taken the necessary actions to revamp team operations, including major advancements to the wind tunnel facilities, and enhance the team’s technical development capacity. The TF105 is an ample reflection of the results of these efforts. Last, Mr. Tomita strongly stated, “Our goal is to make our mark in every race, consistently winning series points, and reaching the top of the victory stand as soon as possible.”

Next was Ralf’s turn, marking his first official appearance in Japan. In denim pants and team jacket, Ralf nimbly rose to the stage, taking his place at the center. After a briefly greeting and self-introduction, Ralf continued with a message for those in attendance.

“Some of you here may remember that my career began in 1996 with a race in Japan. I am very happy that I have a chance to participate in this Toyota project. I believe that if we all work together, we can accomplish great goals. It may take time, so I ask for your patience and continued support.” During the following question-and-answer period, most of the questions centered on Ralf. Asked if he had become comfortable with the new team, Ralf indicated his pleasure with the team, immediately answering, “This is a wonderful team. This is my ninth year driving in F1. I understand that a fantastic team does not happen overnight. But everyone on the Toyota team is a professional, and testing has gone according to plan.”

Looking forward to the first race of the season, Ralf said, “During testing, you have no idea how strong the other teams are. I am excited to test ourselves against the others in Melbourne.”

“Based on my experience, I think the TF105 will be in good shape for the season. If development continues as planned, we should be fighting equally with our rivals by mid-season.”

Ralf takes the stage. The crowd greeted Ralf with enthusiastic cheers and applause.   Senior Managing Director Hattori (left), TMG Chairman Tomita (right). Many reporters and photographers showed up for the event.   Ralf, being interviewed by overseas journalists. The sheer number of journalists from overseas is an indication of how closely Ralf is being watched.

Sunday, February 27
Ralf had the entire day of Saturday day off, getting in some good exercise and relaxation. On Sunday, Ralf made his way around Tokyo, energetically greeting and meeting his many fans.

Ralf left his hotel in Tokyo, crossed the Rainbow Bridge, and arrived in Odaiba. Excitedly, Ralf said, “I have passed through before, but this is the first I have spent any time here. Tokyo is as big a city as I remember from 10 years ago. But I notice quite a few changes…a lot of new buildings. It feels good here. I like it. I would like to spend some time just walking around the city, if I ever get the chance.”

Having changed into team colors, Ralf himself changed to a more serious expression as he arrived at the History Garage. Surrounded by front and back wings, engine cowls and many other parts for Toyota F1 cars, Toyota put together a superb space where Ralf and the fans could build a closer rapport. This was the site of the official fan club (team TOYOTA) meeting.

Those lucky enough to have been selected were seated right in front of the stage, mesmerized by Ralf’s presence. Everyone was hanging on his every word, amazed to have this rare chance to hear live comments right before the first F1 race of the year. Only in this type of setting was there a mood intimate enough to allow fans to ask questions directly of Ralf. And when Ralf couldn’t answer a question to a fan’s satisfaction, he would humbly apologize, “I’m sorry that I can’t give you the answer you’re expecting.” Often, Ralf’s gestures and facial expressions, especially in answer to bold or difficult questions, excited the crowd, adding an electric energy to the event.

After the Q&A period, Ralf took a commemorative group picture together with the fan club members. After the photographs had been taken, Yoshiaki Kinoshita, General Manager of the Motorsport Division and Executive Vice President of TMG, and Kiezo Takahashi, Director Technical Coordination (DTC) had a friendly chat with the crowd. Last, Ralf said, “I am very happy to have had this chance to come back to Japan and meet the fans. I know they are expecting great things of us, but I hope everyone understands that there are two new drivers and a brand new car. I think everyone knows that the F1 world is not one in which a team can expect to win right away. We have all come together to give our best.” Ralf then waved to the fans, and said, “I look forward to seeing everyone again at Suzuka. Thank you for your support.”

After lunch (rumored to have been sushi), Ralf arrived at the site of a talk show, held on the first floor MEGA stage at the Toyota City Showcase. The stage was surrounded by rows and rows of spectators, the crowd gathering many hours before the start of the show. According to those involved, over 30 eager fans had already shown up by 7:30 in the morning, waiting for the scheduled 1:00 afternoon start of the show. The 500 tickets to attend the show had been gobbled up in a matter of ten minutes, so the event sponsors quickly made 250 more tickets available.

And in the midst of this impressive turnout, who should appear but our German Driver, Ralf, descending slowly along the escalator from the second floor at the back of the meeting hall. As expected, the crowd cheered wildly.

Ralf answered many questions from the crowd, and he also let us in on a little secret. Beginning this season, teams can only use one set of tires for a race. Ralf told us, “Tires are extremely important. We have to do everything we can to save wear. With a heavy load of fuel at the start, we have to care for the tires. If the compound the tire makers used is soft, we’ll get blistering, and you’ll see a lot of spin-outs. I’m sure that will make for exciting viewing.”

After finishing the talk show at MEGA WEB, Ralf made the trip to AMLUX Toyota in Ikebukuro. As with the event at MEGA WEB, Ralf used an escalator to make a dramatic entrance to the AMLUX event, with the crowd going wild, many calling out “Ralf! Ralf!” After accepting a gift from a young girl, who was no taller than Ralf’s waist, Ralf had a surprised look on his face, and said, “It looks like my fans are getting younger,” with the crowd laughing in response.

After discussing his impressions of the team and his ambitions for the upcoming season, Ralf said, “Thank you for your kind greetings. It will be a challenging season, but I think we can expect good results. I will see you all again at Suzuka,” and then departed the 700 fans who had come to see him.

We were able to spend time closely following Ralf to off-site meetings.   As you can see, MEGA WEB was packed with fans.   The talk show at AMLUX had even more rabid fans than at MEGA WEB.

Monday, February 28
Today was the re-launch of the newly reconstructed Fuji Speedway. Ralf’s role here was to drive the Toyota F1 car on the new Fuji Speedway track. Ralf arrived at the circuit by helicopter from the Tokyo Shin-Kiba heliport. After completing an initial practice lap during the morning, he wowed attendees with a five-lap demonstration in the afternoon.

With the Fuji Speedway having been buried under snow only two days earlier, it was really miraculous that the program went off without a hitch. One of the mechanics who had come from Europe to get the cars ready said, “There must have been 27 centimeters of snow piled up on Saturday. The course was entirely blanketed in white. But the Fuji Speedway must have known we were coming. It did a tremendous job of melting the snow for us, and we were able to get everything ready in time.”

With the unique high-pitched engine whine of the F1 car echoing across the grandstands, Ralf sped full-speed around the 4563m course. The car seemed almost too fast to see, but DTC Takahashi told us, “He’s [Ralf] just cruising around. The engine isn’t anywhere close to its RPM limit. I think he’s just having fun on a new course.”

After completing his demonstration and taking commemorative pictures at the start/finish line, Ralf and DTC Takahashi once again climbed into the helicopter, and headed for Narita International Airport. We probably don’t have to tell you that their next stop was Melbourne and the first race of the 2005 F1 season.

A rare candid shot of Ralf. Here, he seems very happy to have been presented a Panasonic digital camera by one of the guests.   Many promotion video shoots and other activities were planned for the day of the event.   The first run on the new Fuji Speedway. Ralf said, “It’s a good course.”
* This article appeared in the F1der Australia GP edition.

• What is "F1der"?
F1der is the Toyota F1 fan magazine, providing readers with exciting, eyewitness information from the Panasonic Toyota Racing grand prix events. The magazine contains race reports, as well as spotlights what's happening with the team on the track, in the pits, and at various support centers. F1der is on sale at bookstands around Japan the Friday following each grand prix race (may differ for some grand prix events).

Ralf in Japn

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