// 2020 season

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GR Yaris Scapes Image Competition Four winners will receive a PlayStation 5!! Four of the best creators from around the world will receive a PS5.Letʼ s create an image based on the theme ʻFulfilling My Dream with the GR Yarisʼ#GR_Yaris_DreamGR Yaris Scapes Image Competition Four winners will receive a PlayStation 5!! Four of the best creators from around the world will receive a PS5.Letʼ s create an image based on the theme ʻFulfilling My Dream with the GR Yarisʼ#GR_Yaris_Dream


Announcing the Excellence Award and the Grand Prize!

We are pleased to announce that one Grand Prize winner and three First Prize winners have been selected from among the many wonderful entries. Congratulations!
Thank you very much to everyone who entered the competition!

最優秀賞 PlayStation 5

Fulfilling My Dream with the GR Yaris

My love for motorsport began at a young age, for most it was F1...but for me it was rallying! So my dream as a kid was to be a rally driver, I was in awe at the skill and nerves of steel on display, every driver a hero...
These days, I fulfill my dreams here...

優秀賞 PlayStation 5

Fulfilling My Dream with the GR Yaris

I want to challenge the WRC (Rally Japan) with the GR Yaris and aim for the top!
Of course, it should be as good as a WR car, with a license plate and public road specifications!
GRヤリスでWRC ( ラリージャパン )に挑戦して、上を目指したい!!

優秀賞 PlayStation 5

Fulfilling My Dream with the GR Yaris

I would like to share the GR Yaris with my son, who got his license this year, for long drives.

優秀賞 PlayStation 5

Fulfilling My Dream with the GR Yaris

My GR Yaris Dream would be taking this little rocket to a ride in the legendary Nürburgring Nordschleife!!

Terms and Conditions of Competition

Individuals entering the TOYOTA GAZOO Racing ‘Fulfilling My Dream with the GR Yaris’ Scapes Image Competition (hereinafter ‘the Competition’) will be deemed to have agreed to the Rules when they post on Twitter with the hashtag #GR_Yaris_Dream. Please ensure that you have read and understood the Rules before entering the Competition.

1.The Competition entry dates, entry procedure and entry requirements are as specified by Toyota Motor Corporation (‘Toyota’). Entries that do not fulfill these conditions will not be accepted for selection.

2.Please do not submit an entry with information that allows the identification of an individual other than the entrant.

3.Submitted tweets will only be accepted for selection if the displayed time and date of submission is within the Competition entry dates.

4.Entrants are deemed to have agreed that the submitted content may be posted on the official TOYOTA GAZOO Racing website (https://toyotagazooracing.com/jp/).

5.Entries that violate, or may violate, the TOYOTA GAZOO Racing TERMS OF USE, and entries which Toyota judges not to be in keeping with the theme of the Competition, will not be accepted for selection.

6.Entries from private accounts, entries that are deleted after submission and other entries that cannot be viewed by the general public will not be accepted for selection.

7.The submitted Scapes images (‘the submitted works’) will be subject to the TOYOTA GAZOO Racing TERMS OF USE. Please ensure that you have read and understood them before submitting your entry.
Japan: TOYOTA GAZOO Racing terms of use: https://toyotagazooracing.com/jp/terms/
Global: TERMS OF USE: https://toyotagazooracing.com/terms-of-use/

8.The entrants shall ensure that: (1) the submitted works do not contain any of the prohibited items and satisfy the requirements specified in the manner of submission; (2) the submitted works do not infringe upon the rights of any third-party; (3) the submitted works are original works created personally by the entrant and that the entries are submitted from the entrant’s own Twitter account; and (4) the content of the submitted works has not been previously presented in public or submitted to another competition, campaign, etc.

9.Toyota do not warrant that the submitted works will not infringe upon the rights of any third party, and will not be responsible for any claims or lawsuits from third parties in connection with the submitted works.

10.In order to ensure that the submitted works do not infringe upon the copyright or trademark rights of any third party and do not violate any other laws or ordinances, entrants should only use the Decals that do not contain any existing third-party trademark or copyright content when uploading Decals via the User Page,. It is prohibited to use or apply the copyright content based on third-party design, such as stored Decal obtained from other players, etc. The use of corporate logos of the third parties, such as sponsors, without their permissions is also prohibited, as is the use of characters or other motifs from animated cartoons or similar sources due to the difficulty of judging degree of similarity.

11.Entrants shall grant free of charge to Toyota any right to use the submitted works (including adaptation rights and the original author’s rights in connection with derivative works) for advertising and publicity and other commercial purposes on the official TOYOTA GAZOO Racing website, the official social media sites and other media, and in exhibits at events.

12.Entrants shall not exercise the authorial moral rights against Toyota in respect of the submitted works (right of publication, right of attribution, right of integrity).

13.To the extent that the consent of the award winners are obtained, Toyota may disclose information on the names, nationalities, and places of residence of the award winners, as well as the submitted works on Toyota’s website (including the websites of overseas affiliates and subsidiaries of Toyota) and social media sites, etc., and will use the information for communications, such as expressions of our heartfelt respect and admiration for the award.

14.Please refrain from republishing the submitted works (other than retweeting on Twitter).

15.If it is discovered that an award winner, when entering the Competition or in the past, has acted unfairly or in an antisocial manner, the awarded prize may be withdrawn.

16.The selection of the submitted images and accompanying texts and all other operations involved in the Competition will be carried out by Toyota, which is the host of the Competition. Toyota may, when it deems necessary, alter the content of the Competition, amend the Terms and Conditions or other elements, or take any other action required to ensure the appropriate operation of the Competition.

17.Entrants shall comply with the manner of operation of the Competition and refrain from making objections or other challenges against Toyota.

18.Entrants shall comply with the Twitter terms of service in connection with their Competition entry.